Arroz Negro con Pulpo y Camarones a la Parrilla – Black Rice with Grilled Octopus and Shrimp

I remember the first time I saw my Mom make this dish I ran.  The way it’s made in Puerto Rico the rice is grey and it was not very appealing.  The squid comes in its own ink and it’s canned.  Not as intense as it is prepared in Spain (from Catalonia and Andalusia) where you buy your fresh squid and sacks of ink.

While visiting friends in Puerto Rico, I came across this can and purchased it for future use.  I get nostalgic about my Mom.  My best memories are the ones we shared at home with family, friends, food (the three “F’s”) and “mucha musica” (lots of music).

I have decided to play with her recipe and add my touch.  As I start this post, I still don’t know what I am going to come up with.

Off to the kitchen I go!


1- 8 oz can squid in its ink

1/4 cup virgin olive oil

1 medium onion, chopped

1 medium roasted red pepper

4 cloves of garlic, crushed leaving skin

1 shredded tomato

1-1/2 cups of short grain rice

1- 8 oz jar of clam juice

1/2 cup red wine – Rioja or a Cabernet

2 cup water


15 medium shrimp

a piece of octopus. as shown ( I go to my Greek market which its cooked and ready to go)

olive oil, red wine vinegar, oregano, salt and pepper to taste for shrimp/octopus marinade.  I marinated for about 2 hours.


Heat your pan with olive oil, add onions and crushed garlic cook until translucent then the tomatoes, pepper, canned squid and red wine until bubbling.

Add your rice stirring as you would risotto.  Mix your water and clam juice and continue to add as the rice absorbs the liquid.  This took about 35 minutes.

Meantime, grill your shrimp  and octopus.  Mix into rice, plate and serve immeditely.



This entry was posted in Latin Traditional, Puerto Rican - Tipico, Rice/Risotto, Seafood, Spain. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Arroz Negro con Pulpo y Camarones a la Parrilla – Black Rice with Grilled Octopus and Shrimp

  1. Victoria says:

    I’ve never seen canned squid before! That’s really cool that you are able to substitute it and make something that reminds you of growing up 🙂

    • chefyourself says:

      Sorry, for some reason I can’t post my own comment, but I need to post one! I’ve always been intrigued by this type of rice. It isn’t terribly popular in Panama City, but you do find it around the coast. I’ve never made it, but I may have to change that. I also love the way you’ve grilled the octopus. I’ve only cooked octopus once, even though I love it. I think I’m going to have to grill some very soon. Delicioso, nena!

  2. M says:

    yum, I remember too the first time my mom cook this and I wouldn’t eat it….now, I miss it 🙂
    Good job there Norma.

  3. Norma I’m in seafood lately – esos camarones a la parrilla con arroz negro son formidables 🙂



  4. This dish looks delicious! It reminds me of one similar that is made in Mazatlan but with mucho chile…

  5. pachecopatty says:

    This does look delicious, the grilled octopus is really cool looking and I learned something new- never knew you could buy squid pieces in ink;-)

  6. Joan Nova says:

    Arroz negro is one of my faves. The first time I ever had it was in Venice (but then it was called risotto nero) — and I’ve loved it ever since. Great idea to add some grilled fish for different textures. Me gusta!

  7. Adriana says:

    Rice with squid is one of my ‘too tired to think and dump everything in the rice cooker’ favorites. I love how you transformed it into a beautiful, fresh dish with the grilled seafood. The octopus looks so impressive! Working with the real thing and not the readily available canned octopus is in my food to-do list of 2011.

  8. I bet this is fantastic but I have a little problem eating black pasta because the idea of the ink kind of creeps me out. But I bet I could eat this dish just fine, it’s not black! Nice dish Norma!.

  9. Katie says:

    I would never pass up a plate of this…and in fact, I’d probably be asking for seconds. I love the idea of marinating and grilling the seafood rather than just cooking it together with the rice. ¡Qué rico!

  10. Laz says:

    Excellent all around. Post, tutorial, photos, flavors and the lovely presentation to finish on a high note.


  11. I don’t like octopus,but that sounds delicious! i will add some scallops!

  12. Norma, how interesting! I’ve never seen squid in its ink for sale before! I love the creaminess in your finished rice!

  13. Martha says:

    Thanks for the recipe with canned calamar. Just back from Spain where we ate this frequently but they have the tinta frozen in the grocery story. I have it canned and am going to try this here at home!

  14. Rosa Mayland says:

    A scrumptious rice dish and tasty combination!



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