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This month’s Creative Cooking Crew’s challenge is cooking with spirits.  This was an easy challenge for me  because as the holidays approach, I start to make my “coquito” Puerto Rican eggnog.

The idea came in a flash – Coquito French Toast.

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We are always reading our posts and looking at all the beautiful pictures, but rarely have the chance to taste our creations. While in Florida I had the opportunity to invite Laura Lafata and Joan Nova to a small gathering where I served my dish as dessert.

Busy with preparations, Joan volunteered to shoot the pictures.   Thanks “amiga” for a job well done.

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Laura, Joan and Me!

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My Coquito Recipe:

1 quart store-bought eggnog
1 cans of coconut cream (Coco Lopez)
1 can condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk
1 can of coconut milk
2 tablespoons vanilla
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
cinnamon sticks (one for each bottle)
1/2 cup of Puerto Rican white rum
1/2 cup Coconut Rum
1/4 cup Bacardi 151 proof rum
1/2 coconut grated or 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes and coconut shaving for garnish

Makes about 8-10 bottles, depending on size.

Mix well all  ingredients, bottle and store in refrigerator.  Serve it with a  cinnamon stick and a bit of cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Please note that as you are making this you will be tasting and adjusting  for your own taste…be careful not to sip too much.  Once I ended up on  the couch snoring quite happily.

Coquito French Toast Recipe:

1 Challah bread sliced about an inch thick
2 cups of prepared coquito and 4 eggs
cinnamon for dusting
butter for the frying pan



This entry was posted in Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Eggs, Holidays, Latin Contemporary, Latin Traditional, My recipes, Puerto Rican - Tipico, Puerto Rico and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.


  1. Me encantaron las fotos!!!!! Y la receta debe saber espectacular!!!!

  2. Val Harrison says:

    This one ups any French Toast I have ever made before Norma. Love the coconut to punch up the flavour.

  3. Joan Nova says:

    !Delicioso! And, folks, this was the dessert … you should see what she served before. I’m still full!
    I highly recommend this recipe — it’s festive looking and fabulous-tasting.

  4. Richard Torres says:

    OK… Your NYC friends mouths are watering!

  5. I’m so lucky to have a friend that feeds me with such great tasting delights! Felix and I will be your guinea pig anytime! Besos!

  6. Is it insane to want this for the breakfast?! Looks totally divine!

  7. m2 says:

    OMG, I’m ready! thanks, m2

  8. Wow!!!!!!!!

    Gorgeous dessert, and beautiful photography to capture it all. And wonderful to catch a glimpse of you!

  9. The food was awesome and so was the company 🙂

  10. Nydia says:

    Qué delicia, imagino bien bien cargadito de ron debe saber buenísimo.

  11. Your coquito is STRONG! That has to be one of the more elaborate recipes I’ve seen – it has to be amazing. And LOL at the coquito induced nap, that would totally happen to me.

    Joan rocked those pictures, they are beautiful.

  12. Looks like lots of us were in a rum mood this month! I love the french toast with eggnog idea and always put brandy or scotch into mine because it just tastes wonderful. Adding the coconut and warm spices is a great idea. Great challenge!

  13. your coquito recipe sounds insanely delicious (definitely trying it soon!) – and the french toast looks absolutely incredible! I wish I had some right now!

  14. Coquito is my new favorite word. Love it with the french toast and wish I had been there with you gals! PS did you click the box I am not a spammer when trying to comment?

  15. I love your coquito recipe – I have always wanted one and now I have one – and with french toast – wow

  16. Que peligro que sois las dos juntas!!!! Lol! Your coquito must be to die for, Norma… Mmmm love it and love all the pictures too. Would love to be there :D. Muchos muchos besos.

  17. HotArdienteBoricua says:

    Wow! This looks AMAZING! Will definitely try over the holidays. I make lots of coquito every year too so I am excited to try this out. Thanks so much for this recipe/idea!

  18. Enid Chavez says:

    Where can I purchase the silver mini cups for serving Coquito? It looks so elegant to serve in.
    TY. BTW, I will try your version of Coquito.

    Gracias otra vez.

    • Enid…thanks for the visit…I believe it was at Party City in store not on line. If you want any recipes, I would be more than happy to make the dish on my blog. Just subscribe and you will receive an email every time I post. Feliz Ano Nuevo!

  19. This looks insanely good! Oh my goodness! 🙂 Best – Shanna

  20. M2 says:

    it’s that time again and I’m so glad your blog is still here!!!! Happy Turkey day!! xoxo m2


  22. nilda cepero says:

    Wonderful!! I have a question. When you say ¨Coquito¨ do you mean eggnog or the Coco Lopez can cream?

    Is coquito the same as ¨creme de vie.¨?

    Love your site. Thank You.

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